Deborah VanDam

Financial Advisor

Deborah VanDam

Financial Advisor




Phone Number

About Deborah

Deborah is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Blue Chip Partners.

Prior to joining Blue Chip in 2022, Deborah spent eight years in the service industry. Her background has given her a passion for connecting with people and an understanding of quality service.

Deborah graduated cum laude from Eastern Michigan University with a Bachelor of Business Administration and earned a Master of Science in Finance from the University of Michigan-Dearborn. She enjoys running, traveling, and trying new things- whether that’s a new experience, different food or cooking new recipes, or new challenges. Deborah loves spending time with her husband, Brad, and at get-togethers with her large family.

If you could be a professional in any sport, what would it be?

I have always loved playing volleyball. I love that it’s a fast-paced, competitive game that relies on teamwork. Plus, you’re often on the beach in the sunshine when you play!

My mom has ten siblings. I have ten siblings. I hope to travel to 50 countries by the time I turn 50 years old.

Enjoy and take advantage of any nap time.

Let's schedule your financial consultation.