About Us

About Us

Everyone on the Blue Chip Partners team is dedicated to helping you live your best life.

What Makes Us Unique

Blue Chip Partners is a nationally recognized advisory firm that provides concierge-level service and technical expertise to create a highly personalized client experience. We differentiate ourselves from other advisory firms in three important ways:

Our experienced advisory team specializes in investments, tax, retirement, and the estate planning, allowing us to create tailored solutions for your unique needs.

Most clients will have two dedicated advisors, which enables us to enhance our level of personalized service and elevate our frequency of communication with clients.

We believe owning “Blue Chip” shares cuts costs by avoiding third-party fees, provides more tax loss harvesting opportunities, and boosts transparency with direct access to decision-makers.

Getting More Life Out of Your Wealth


Understand Personal & Financial Circumstances

Determine Fit

Define Bucket List

Deliver Value Proposition


Identify Financial Priorities & Goals

Build Detailed Balance Sheet

Analyze Cash Inflows & Outflows

Present Planning Techniques Using eMoney


Open/Transfer Account

Introduce Team

Review Technology & Tools


Establish Meeting Frequency

Estate Plan

Adjust Financial Plan


Bucket List

Long-Term Goals

Peace of Mind

Our Core Values

What Our Clients Are Saying

Chuck Kessler is a current client of Blue Chip Partners. Blue Chip Partners neither offered nor provided cash or non-cash compensation in exchange for his testimonial. He gave the testimonials at his own will and has no conflict of interest with Blue Chip Partners.

Marcie Brogan is a current client of Blue Chip Partners. Blue Chip Partners neither offered nor provided cash or non-cash compensation in exchange for her testimonial. She gave the testimonials at her own will and has no conflict of interest with Blue Chip Partners.

More Words From Them

Case Studies
Market Analysis

You can expect a lot from us because we expect a lot from ourselves.

You can rely on Blue Chip Partners to bring the breadth and depth of our services and expertise to always work on your behalf. We want to become invaluable to your success. That means helping you identify your financial goals and manage the various paths toward achieving them. As a fiduciary, our clients’ best interests are our best interests.
Each day is filled with uncertainty and opportunities. When just a few words can move markets, it is important to have a team of financial advisors who can see beyond the noise to keep your wealth management plan on track. No matter what is happening in the broader financial world, Blue Chip Partners will deliver our insight, skills, and expertise.

We proudly run on the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®) to better serve you each and every day, and to encourage focus, discipline, and accountability in our team.

Career Opportunities

Blue Chip Partners is growing! Join our team to work with some of the highest credentialed professionals in the industry. Our growth breeds opportunities for future career advancement.